Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • Title: HPC for Energy

  • Programm: H2020

  • Duration: 2015-2020

  • Coordinator: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

  • Inria contact: Stephane Lanteri

  • The main objective is to develop beyond-the-state-of-the-art high performance simulation tools that can help the energy industry to respond future energy demands and also to carbon-related environmental issues using the state-of-the-art HPC systems. The project also aims at improving the usage of energy using HPC tools by acting at many levels of the energy chain for different energy sources: Exploitation: In wind energy (respond to demand peaks, output prediction) Efficiency: In biomass-derived fuels (develop more efficient and renewable fuels, reduce green-house gas emissions, reduce hydrocarbon dependency and fuel cost) Exploration: In wind energy (resource assessment) and in hydrocarbons (improve available reserves, explore with less financial and environmental risk). Another objective is to improve the cooperation between energy industries from EU and Brazil. The project includes relevant energy industral partners from Brazil (PETROBRAS) and EU (REPSOL and TOTAL as O&G industries), which will benefit from the project’s results. They guarantee that TRL of the project technologies will be very high. A last objective is to improve the cooperation between the leading research centres in EU and Brazil in HPC applied to energy industry. This includes sharing supercomputing infrastructures between Brazil and EU. The cross-fertilization between energy-related problems and other scientific fields will be beneficial at both sides of the Atlantic.


  • Programm: FP7

  • Duration: February 2011 - January 2015

  • Coordinator: Grenoble-INP

  • Partners:

    • Ecole Nationale Superieured'arts et Metiers (France)

    • Universited'aix Marseille (France)

    • Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy)

    • Cranfield University (United Kingdom)

    • Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)

    • "european Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association, A Cluster Leading Excellence" (Belgium)

    • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung E.V (Germany)

    • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (France)

    • Inpg Entreprise (France)

    • Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden)

    • Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

    • Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Poland)

    • Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

    • Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany)

    • Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Szamitastechnikai Es Automatizalasi Kutato Intezet (Hungary)

    • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. (Israel)

    • University College London (United Kingdom)

    • University of Essex (United Kingdom)

    • Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern (Germany)

    • University of Patras (Greece)

    • Universitaet Stuttgart (Germany)

    • University of Bristol (United Kingdom)

    • The University Oflford (United Kingdom)

    • Universite de la Mediterraneed'aix-Marseille Ii (France)

    • Universiteit Twente (Netherlands)

    • "fundacio Privada I2cat, Internet I Innovacio Digital A Catalunya" (Spain)

  • Inria contact: G. Dumont

  • VISIONAIR is a project of creation of a European infrastructure that should be a unique, visible and attractive entry towards high level visualisation facilities. These facilities must be open to the access of a wide set of research communities. By integrating existing facilities, it will create a world-class research infrastructure enabling to conduct frontier research. This integration will provide a significant attractiveness and visibility of the European Research Area. Current scientific challenges concern climate evolution, environmental risks, health, energy, etc. and require the management of more and more complex information. The development of information technologies, the increasing complexity of the information to be handled and analysed, along with the increasing capacities in scientific and engineering simulations, call for the development of increasingly powerful visualisation tools and methods. The Europe Research Area must be able to compete with other big Research Areas when addressing the previously defined challenges. By integrating visualisation facilities with the VISIONAIR project, ERA will be able to answer integrated challenges out of the scope of usually disseminated research teams. Both, physical access and virtual services, will be provided by the infrastructure. A full access to visualisation dedicated software will be organised, while physical access on high level platforms, will be partially (about 20% of global usage) open for other scientists for free on behalf of excellence of submitted projects. The partners of this project propose to build a common infrastructure that would grant access to high level visualisation facilities and resources to researchers. Indeed, researchers from Europe and from around the world will be welcome to carry out research projects using the visualisation facilities provided by the infrastructure. Visibility and attractiveness of ERA will be increased by the invitation of external projects.

  • Title: Visualization For Extremely Large-Scale Scientific Computing

  • Program: STREP (Specific Targeted Research Project)

  • Duration: January 2014 - December 2016

  • Coordinator: Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en Enginyeria (Spain)

  • Partners: JOTNE (No.), SINTEF (No.), Fraunhofer IGD (D), ATOS (SP), Univ. Edinburgh (UK)

  • Inria contact: Toan Nguyen, Bruno Raffin

  • Abstract: VELaSSCo aims at developing a new concept of integrated end-user visual analysis methods with advanced management and post-processing algorithms for engineering modelling applications, scalable for real-time petabyte level simulations [59]. The interface will enable real- time interrogation of simulation data, generating key information for analysis. Main concerns have to do with handling of large amounts of data of a very specific kind intrinsically linked to geometrical properties; how to store, access, simplify and manipulate billion of records to extract the relevant information; how to represent information in a feasible and flexible way; and how to visualise and interactively inspect the huge quantity of information they produce taking into account end- user’s needs. VELaSSCo achieves this by putting together experts with relevant background in Big Data handling, advanced visualisation, engineering simulations, and a User Panel including research centres, SMEs and companies form key European industrial sectors such as aerospace, household products, chemical, pharmaceutical and civil engineering.

  • Type: Cooperation

  • Defi: Transport (incl. Aeronautics)

  • Instrument: Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

  • Duration: October 2013 - June 2016

  • Coordinator: Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en Enginyeria, Barcelone (Spain)

  • Partner: Airbus (Sp), Alenia (I), EADS-IW (F), Rolls-Royce (UK), Ingenia (Sp.), Numeca (B), U. Sheffield (UK), U. Birmingham (UK), CIRA (I), VKI (B), Airbone (NL), Leitat (Sp), Cerfacs (F), U. Cranfield (UK), CAE (CN), GTE (CN), ARI (CN), FAI (CN), ASRI (CN), SAERI (CN), BIAM (CN), ACTRI (CN), BUAA (CN), NPU (CN), PKU (CN), NUAA (CN), ZIU (CN)

  • Inria contact: Toan Nguyen

  • Abstract: The main objective of GRAIN2 is to focus its greening activities following the Flight Path 2050 Vision for Aircraft. GRAIN2 will in particular identify innovative R&D methods, tools and HPC environments (supercomputers and GPGPUs) according to the needs of major aeronautical industries to deeper understand the mechanism of engine exhaust emissions, to improve fuel efficiency and environmental performance.